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AAM’s Getting Started on Collections Storage

Did you attend The American Alliance of Museums webinar on collection storage? We listened in to learn more about the storage challenges facing museums today. The presenter was John Simmons, Principal of Museologica, Inc. and Earth and Mineral Sciences Museum at Pennsylvania State University. The Program focused on:

•Storage Design Issues    •Storage Environment     •Collections Housing Issues

Here’s What We Learned:

Collections are meant to be shared and engaged with. Thus, the design of their storage and ease of accessibility is key.

Mr. Simmons focused on asking six questions when designing storage for your collection: who, what, when, where, why and how. Who will access your collection and when? What is your collection comprised of and where will you keep it in proximity to your museum and how will you move and retrieve items from your collection. Read more of his notes in the slides below.

We’ve Got You Covered

Our expert team of Design Consultants will survey your space and collection and design a storage system that will allow for growth and accessibility. To get you started, Download our Museum Collections Storage Guide…

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