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A Time Tested Process to Protect Collections and Save Space

We see it all the time: even the most competent and esteemed museum professionals become a bit uncertain when faced with the daunting task of planning new collections storage areas.

Whether you’re shopping for a single cabinet or renovating a collection area or new facility, this guide  is intended as a starting point to help you take the first steps toward designing a new storage solution.

We urge you to design from the inside out,
and by that we mean starting with the needs of your collection, then ensuring that day-to-day procedures are as efficient as possible, and then considering the physical constraints of your facility.

By following this time-trusted method we can help you design a storage solution that protects the items entrusted to your care while also promoting efficiency and making the best use of limited storage space.Download our Museum Collections Storage Guide now to get started…

We’re standing by to help preserve the
most important collection in the world: Yours.

While your design project might seem formidable, keep in mind that we design specialized storage solutions every day. For more than 35 years we’ve been helping some of the world’s most prestigious institutions plan their storage layouts, select the products that will best protect their collections, and ultimately save time, money, and space.

Isn’t it time for your collection to reach its full potential?

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We see it all the time: even the most competent and esteemed museum professionals become a bit uncertain when faced with the daunting...