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Get Started Augmenting Your Operations With Automation

Nowadays, businesses are under constant pressure to operate more efficiently and effectively to get products to end consumers quicker. Due to the increased demand for goods, warehouses need a solution to minimize bottlenecks while increasing production speed. Many companies are turning to automation to help streamline their operations.

Businesses can improve their efficiency and productivity by automating routine warehouse tasks. Keep reading to learn more about how automation transforms warehouse operations and how to get started automating your storage solutions.

How To Get Started With Automation

If you’re considering implementing automated storage and retrieval systems (ASRS), it’s important to consider key focus points to understand what areas of automation would increase the success of your business.

One of our manufacturing partners, SSI Schaefer, recommends using the “S.A.L.T.” concept, which addresses the Space, Accuracy, Labor, and Throughput of your current warehouse. 

Automating your operations might be an excellent option for your business if you are currently experiencing bottlenecks in any of the following areas:


Consider your current space. Are you utilizing all of your space? What space concerns do you have now? Are there any constraints in your warehouse? Automated storage solutions can help maximize space for up to 2x storage capacity and optimization. Vertical or channel storage options often provide better functionality with gained storage capacity.

Improving Accuracy with Automation

Accuracy in the warehouse is essential for minimizing error rates that could end up costing you financially. When warehouses implement automated storage solutions, the investment comes with a 99% accuracy rate, reducing labor and error costs.

Labor vs. Automation

Labor shortages are unavoidable. Automation provides businesses with the reliability and consistency to continue production without worrying about the lack of labor. Not to mention, many automated storage solutions provide workers with easy-to-operate, ergonomic system logistics.


When the consumer demand for goods is high, operations need to keep up. Automation increases your throughput by mechanizing time-consuming, manual tasks and improving productivity in your warehouse. When goods are produced quicker, goods are delivered to end-consumers faster.

What Are The Best Automated Storage Solutions For You?


Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) are an excellent option for companies to automate material flow with increased safety and accuracy. McMurray Stern offers AGVs that will fit into your existing warehouse with low investment and operating costs, increased safety, and high flexibility. In addition, AGVs are great for companies that need to obtain temperature-sensitive environments.


Robotics are known for increasing operational efficiency for rapid ROI. McMurray Stern’s HAIPICK robot is characterized by its high stability and precision. In addition, the robot can replace the repetitive, heavy manual storage and handling work to provide flexible customization and increased storage density. As a result, the robot is well-suited for multiple industries, from electronics to apparel.

VLM Automation

Vertical Lift Modules (VLMs) are the ideal storage solution for industrial products, components, and spare parts for various industries. Organize and improve your warehouse’s workflow/picking rates with the wide range of models available, superior design, and ease of use. In addition, the VLM offers a convenient goods-to-person principle, the highest storage density for small parts, and minimal training due to its simple user guidance. VLMs are ideal for warehouses with a low to medium throughput.

Carousel Systems

The compact design of carousels enables efficient storage and picking processes in the smallest possible space. Carousel systems are an outstanding solution for handling compact parts and medium to slow-moving products, including pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, electronics, media, and food items. Carousels have a small footprint, ideal for low ceiling heights or areas with medium to high SKU counts.

Shuttle Systems

McMurray Stern offers highly intelligent automated solutions that are economical and efficient. Our shuttles use pallets, trays, or carts as an innovative solution to optimize storage with rapid material transport and quick access times.

Channel Storage Systems

McMurray Stern’s Channel Storage Systems can optimize 100% of your space. The shelving can be organized for First In, Last Out (FILO) and First In, First Out (FIFO), making channel storage system an excellent choice for deep-freezer, grocery, and beverage businesses and companies with a low to medium SKU count. The systems can be operated with a conventional forklift or AGV.

Lift&Run Automation

McMurray Stern’s automated Lift&Run products are highly dynamic, economical solutions for pallet handling in the manufacturing, distribution, and grocery markets. Our Lift&Run solutions are designed for all warehouses, even those with little space, seeking ways to increase material workflow while optimizing any available space. The Lift&Run is energy-efficient and meets consumer demands quickly with improved productivity and increased material flow in the warehouse.

Expected Cost Savings When Integrating Automation

Automation is revolutionizing the way businesses operate. In a 2018 study by Capgemini Research Institute, researchers found the expectation of cost savings to be immense, expecting the cost savings (by 2022) to reach:

  • $471 billion in automotive, retail, utilities, and manufacturing industries
  • $125 billion in the retail industry
  • $165 billion in manufacturing, consumer packaged goods, and industrial industries

Now approaching the third quarter in 2022, businesses switching to automated processes expect anywhere from $77,000 to $150,000 in their warehouse’s cost savings annually. The cost savings could be due to increased productivity, lower production costs, and reduced errors.

Moving forward, Fortune Business Insights projects the automation product market to grow from $205.86 billion (in 2022) to $395.09 billion by 2029.

Let’s Design Your Custom Automated Solution

McMurray Stern has been providing storage solutions since 1980. McMurray Stern’s capabilities and services expanded to prepare the companies we serve for the future. We anticipated the evolution of automated storage solutions and began delivering them to our customers to help make their warehouses more efficient and productive.

We are proud to say that we’ve established ourselves as one of North America’s leading contractors for automated storage projects. We have a fully integrated design-build process that ensures companies get professional management from start to finish. As a result, we can help companies implement stable, efficient, quality, and reliable automated storage solutions to grow the success of their business.

Ready to start building your custom automated warehouse solution? Let’s talk!

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