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Market Herald: From Agriculture To Military, How McMurray Stern’s Automated Solutions Help Every Industry

A version of this article was published in Markets Herald featuring McMurray Stern.

“McMurray Stern has designed a few different techniques that are useful to any company and industry, such as AGVs (Automated Guided Vehicles), Conveyors, VLMs (Vertical Lifts by McMurray Stern), Miniloads, Carousel Systems, Shuttle Systems, Picking Systems, Cranes, and Lift & Run Machines.

The organization uses these automated solutions with help from AI learning, which is used to provide personalized customer experience, faster turn-around time, error-free back-end processes, which run without human intervention, and security and compliance.

McMurray Stern’s Vertical Lifts (VLMs) are perfect for retail companies as they are designed to handle small materials and parts. They can handle anything from books, beauty products and medicine. They are known for being the most reasonable and fair-priced storage solution for businesses. They use 90% less floor space and require little to no training to operate.

Mini loads are also designed for smaller parts and materials. They are a type of storage-retrieval machine designed to hold lightweight whilst being relatively light in weight. Mini loads are perfect since they maximize space and can adapt to any storage or warehouse unit.

Designed to be efficient, reliable, and safe, Stern’s Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) are perfect for big warehouses. They keep productivity fast while also incredibly safe and fast, and are made to transport heavy-duty materials and parts. Another plus is that AGVs are relatively low-cost in investments and flexible, making them the perfect storage system for big companies.”

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