Blog – McMurray Stern

Sustainable Storage: How to Make Your Facility Eco-Friendly

Written by admin | May 22, 2024 7:00:00 AM

The storage industry, an essential backbone of global commerce, is at a critical juncture. With the world's growing emphasis on sustainability, it's time for storage facilities to rethink their operations and infrastructure. Being eco-friendly is more than a trend—it's a responsibility and a competitive edge. Warehouse owners, managers, and the visionary business leaders who utilize their services have the power to transform the storage landscape through sustainable practices.


But what exactly does an eco-friendly warehouse look like? How can your facility become a bastion of green initiatives while maintaining efficiency and profitability? This guide explores the strategies and technology available to warehouses that wish to craft a sustainable legacy without sacrificing the bottom line.

The Green Warehouse Blueprint

McMurray Stern, a leading architectural, file management, and storage solutions provider understands how optimized storage can reduce waste, lower energy usage, and promote a healthier environment. Here's a blueprint for how your storage facility can become a model of sustainability.

Efficient Space Utilization

A core principle of sustainability is using what you have effectively. For storage facilities, this means intelligently managing space. Durable, reusable plastic bins, for example, allow better utilization of storage volume and can last for thousands of uses, significantly reducing waste over the lifespan of your facility.


Maximizing vertical space with high-density storage solutions, like mobile shelving or mezzanines, minimizes the facility's footprint. With intelligent layout planning, you can decrease the energy required for lighting and climate control across a smaller, more efficiently arranged space.

Scalable Design for Growth

An eco-friendly approach includes a facility that can grow with your business without constant construction and expansions, which can generate tons of wasted materials. McMurray Stern's scalable solutions, such as modular decks, provide this growth potential without the traditional downsides.

Eco-Materials and Manufacturing Processes

Eco-friendly storage starts with the materials used to construct it. Recycled steel, for instance, provides structural integrity without the carbon footprint of raw steel production. Sustainable manufacturing processes, like powder coating, not only produce durable finishes but can also minimize the release of harmful solvents into the environment.

Thinking eco-responsibly also extends to the materials stored within the facility. Sustainable packaging materials are increasingly prevalent within supply chains and support sustainable storage systems.

Software, Technology, and the Smart Warehouse

The intelligent warehouse has introduced a suite of tools that optimize operations and minimize environmental impact, often while doing so.

Automated Systems

Automation is revolutionizing the storage landscape. Automated storage and retrieval systems (ASRS) reduce the space and energy required for human-operated machinery, often while improving picking accuracy and speed. Vendors like McMurray Stern can integrate AS/RS systems with sustainable operations in mind, ensuring that they align with your facility's green mission.

Energy Management Software

Energy management software can monitor and analyze the facility's energy use in real time, identifying areas for efficiency gains. From implementing LED lighting to managing the climate control system, software can significantly improve the warehouse's energy footprint.

Real-Time Inventory Tracking

Real-time inventory tracking via RFID or barcode systems enables precise management of stock levels and rotation, reducing over-ordering and spoilage. This technology reduces waste and streamlines operations, reducing the need for excessive staffing and resource allocation.

Cultivating a Culture of Sustainability

Technology and infrastructure are just the beginning. An eco-friendly warehouse is a product of the culture reinforced within its walls.

Training and Awareness

Everyone must be committed to sustainability, from the warehouse floor to the C-suite. Regular training sessions on best practices, technological updates, and the impact of eco-friendly initiatives can create a knowledgeable, proactive workforce dedicated to the cause.

Employee Buy-In and Recognition

Employee involvement is critical. Recognition programs can incentivize and reward employees who suggest or implement sustainable practices. Their active participation yields results and fosters a sense of ownership in the warehouse's green mission.

Partnering with Green-Minded Suppliers

Sustainability extends beyond the warehouse walls. Partnering with suppliers that share your environmentally conscious values amplifies the impact. Requesting goods to be delivered with minimal packaging or produced using clean energy can encourage your suppliers to adopt similar green policies.

The Business Case for Sustainability

A common misconception is that sustainable practices are at odds with profitability. However, sustainable practices and profitability produce a synergistic effect that benefits both the environment and the bottom line.

Lowering Operating Costs

Many sustainable initiatives lead to a reduction in operating costs. High-efficiency lighting and insulation, for example, can lower energy bills. The longevity of durable, sustainable storage systems means less frequent replacement and repair costs, further compounding the savings.

Attracting Eco-Conscious Clients

The global market is increasingly favoring businesses that are committed to the environment. An eco-friendly warehouse can be a powerful marketing tool, attracting clients who prioritize sustainability in their supply chain decisions.

Compliance and Long-Term Viability

Environmental regulations are becoming stricter, and your business's longevity depends on your ability to adapt. By operating a sustainable storage facility, you're positioning your business for long-term compliance and viability, avoiding the potential costs and disruptions of non-compliance.

McMurray Stern’s Promise

Sustainability in storage is not just about reducing, reusing, and recycling—it's a holistic commitment to the health of our planet, businesses, and communities. By deploying sustainable storage practices and infrastructure, warehouses can lead by example, encouraging the companies they serve to join the green revolution.


McMurray Stern's vision of an eco-friendly storage future isn't just aspirational; it's operational. Our products include automated systems, vertical lift modules, robotic systems, and shuttle systems. We use sustainable and scalable materials to maximize space and grow your business.