Our most recent ActivRAC installation in a warehouse space with integrated fire sprinkler system in Orange County, CA. What could you store on mobilized pallet rack? How could you repurpose all that freed up space for your business?
Mobile carriage and rail systems enable existing pallet racking or static shelving to move side-to-side, eliminating idle aisles and maximizing square footage, while still providing 100% accessibility to stored items.
Our pallet racks feature stud-and-keyhole connections that get tighter as the load increases to improve strength over time. Interlock connections automatically set into the column, piston lock secures beam into place.
The high-strength 15-gauge storage rack beams are notched for roll-in cross bar, and the 13-gauge steel welded upright frames are punched on 2″ centers for easy beam adjustment and have a long-lasting baked-on enamel finish.
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